Tokugawa Tsunayoshi’s Compassion for Living Things

From the Tokugawa Jikki. Entry dated as June 28 1689. Translated by Laurie Raye.

Just as in the previous edict, one should cultivate compassion for all living beings in their heart. Now, I proclaim the following law: As wild boar and deer damage farmland, and wolves harm people, horses, dogs, etc., I order that one should only use a bird-hunting gun against wild boar, deer and wolves. If, by some chance, one neglects this law and forgets to fill their heart with compassion, and uses a gun without good reason, then they shall be severely reprimanded. On public or private land, if wild boar or deer cause damage to farmland, or if wolves cause harm to people, horses or dogs, then they should be driven away as necessary… In addition to this, when wild boar, deer and wolves are not present then wanton killing shall be strictly admonished. If there are any who disobey, then the local citizens must be immediately informed of the law… Furthermore, if one were to strike down a wild boar, deer or wolf, then it should be buried on the spot and no part of it can be used commercially or as food. However, this law does not apply to hunters who hold a permit.

Original text:

先令のごとく生類愛憐の心をもはらとすべし。こたび令せるる御旨は、猪鹿は田畑を害し、狼は人馬犬等を傷損するがゆへに、猪鹿狼あるる時のみ鳥銃もて打しむべしと令せらる。万一おもひたがへて仁慈の心をわすれ、故なく銃打ものあらば、きびしくとがめらるべし。公料、私領にて猪鹿の田畑を害し、狼の人馬犬を傷ふは、先々のごとくこころいれて追払ふべし。。。 また猪鹿狼あれざる時に、まぎらはしく殺生せざるやう、厳に告諭すべし。もしそむくものあらば速に申出べき旨、其地の民に申つくべし。。。 又猪鹿狼打得ば、其地に埋置、一切商販、食物となさしむべからず。もとも獵戸はこの限りにあらずとなり。